Understanding The Insurance Claims Process

After I was involved in a large auto accident a few years ago, I realized that I was about to become innately familiar with the claims process. Sure enough, within a few months I started to receive paperwork regarding my accident, and it was really interesting to see how my insurance company handled things. I was able to save a tremendous amount of money by talking with agents about covered and non-covered claims, and it really opened up my eyes about the entire insurance coverage process. Check out this blog for great tips on saving money, living better, and receiving the coverage you need.

An Overview of 8 Types of Business Insurance You May Need

2 July 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you own a business, one of the best ways to protect your business is by carrying the right type of insurance. When it comes to talking about business insurance, it is important to realize that there are a whole host of different types you can purchase for your business. 1. General Liability Insurance Most businesses carry one type of insurance: general liability insurance, which helps protect you against third-party injuries and third-party property damage. Read More …

Buying Commercial Truck Insurance? Key Tips to Know

15 June 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When you establish a business with a commercial truck fleet, one of the most important things you need to consider is your commercial truck insurance. For those who are new to the industry and this type of insurance coverage, it's important that you do your research first so that you understand what you're looking for. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to know as you start to shop for your truck insurance policy. Read More …

Time To Change Your Medicare Plan? Enrollment Periods Explained

14 May 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Medicare is a well-oiled machine that can sometimes be hard to figure out. You may have signed up just fine when you turned 65, but the coverage you purchased at that time may not be up to snuff for your current medical needs. If that sounds like you, you may wonder when you can switch your plan. There are several situations in which you can change your plan, some of which are as follows. Read More …

How To Change Your Policy If You Will Not Drive For The Next 6 To 12 Months

5 April 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you have auto insurance on your vehicle, you probably have it for a number of reasons. It protects you from lawsuits, and it is a legal requirement. It also provides compensation if you wreck your car, but do you need coverage if you will not be driving your car for the next six to twelve months? If you will not drive at all during this time, here are some tips to help you know what to do with your auto insurance. Read More …

Breaking Down 3 Myths About Whole Life Insurance

26 February 2021
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Whole life insurance is a complicated product with a basic premise — to provide your loved ones with money when you pass away. The money you pay into a whole life insurance policy is divided into a death benefit fund and a cash value account that accrues value over time. As such, it is important to understand the myths and truths surrounding this product. Myth #1: Payouts Only Occur Upon Death Read More …