3 Tips That Can Help You Pay Less For Home Insurance

After I was involved in a large auto accident a few years ago, I realized that I was about to become innately familiar with the claims process. Sure enough, within a few months I started to receive paperwork regarding my accident, and it was really interesting to see how my insurance company handled things. I was able to save a tremendous amount of money by talking with agents about covered and non-covered claims, and it really opened up my eyes about the entire insurance coverage process. Check out this blog for great tips on saving money, living better, and receiving the coverage you need.

3 Tips That Can Help You Pay Less For Home Insurance

13 January 2022
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Home insurance plays an important role in protecting the investment you made in your home and ensuring your financial ability to make major repairs in the future. However, despite the important role that this insurance plays, you may find that high insurance rates are having a negative impact on your current financial situation. Thankfully, it is possible to get the quality insurance coverage that you need without going broke in the process. In fact, with the help of the three tips outlined below, saving money on your home insurance can be easier than you ever thought possible.

Tip #1: Make Sure You Report Any Upgrades To Your Home's Security

There are many different ways in which you can qualify for a discount on your homeowners insurance. One of these ways is by making upgrades to the security of your home. For instance, you may choose to install security cameras or subscribe to an alarm monitoring service. Making upgrades such as these will help to deter thieves from making your home their next target and will consequently lower the risk that you will need to file an insurance claim as the result of theft or vandalism. As a reward for taking steps to lower your risk of being a victim, many insurance companies will provide you with a discount on your insurance rates. In order to ensure that you get all of the discounts that you are entitled to, be sure to report any upgrades you make directly to the insurance company in a timely fashion.

Tip #2: Don't Automatically Choose The Lowest Deductible

While choosing an insurance plan with the lowest possible deductible may seem like the best way to save money in the long run, the fact is that you will often spend more when choosing to take this route. This is because the lower your deductible is, the higher you can expect your insurance rates to be. Since most people do not need to file a claim against their insurance on a regular basis, you will likely find that you don't get the opportunity to save any money as a result of your lower deductible. For this reason, it is often better to choose a policy with a higher deductible and a lower monthly payment.

Tip #3: Make Sure You Are Not Overestimating The Coverage You Need

One of the most common reasons that people end up overpaying for home insurance is that they overestimate the amount of coverage they actually need. In many cases, this is because individuals confuse their rebuilding costs with the resale value of their homes. 

An adequate insurance policy will cover the cost of rebuilding your home in the unfortunate event that it is destroyed. When selecting a coverage amount that meets this need, it is important to remember that your rebuilding costs will not include the value of the land on which your home is built. For this reason, you will not need to carry coverage that is equal to your home's resale value. Selecting a policy that is equal to this higher value will ultimately leave you paying for more coverage than you could ever use.

Contact an insurance company for more information about home insurance.